The Ultimate Guide to E-A-T and How It Impacts Your SEO Strategy

Are you wondering how to make the most of your SEO strategy? If so, then you need to know about Google’s E-A-T. But what is E-A-T and why is it important for SEO? In this ultimate guide, we’ll show you what E-A-T stands for and how it can help your website rank higher in search engine results. We will also provide a checklist with 7 ways to improve your website’s E-A-T so that you can start prioritizing this essential element of SEO success. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the world of Google’s Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Google E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is an essential element of SEO success.
  2. Websites should strive to optimize content for readability and accuracy and build relationships with industry experts in order to increase their authority.
  3. Tips such as maintaining a strong presence on social media, providing a user-friendly design, updating information regularly, and promptly responding to customers can help improve website’s E-A-T rating.

Ultimate Guide to Google’s E-A-T for SEO Campaigns



Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) is an important part of any SEO strategy. Google measures a website’s E-A-T when determining its rankings in search engine results. To ensure your website is successful, it needs to show that it has expertise in the topic it covers, be seen as authoritative and trustworthy by both users and Google alike. This guide provides seven ways to enhance your website’s E-A-T so that you can start ranking higher for your target keywords. These include optimizing content for readability and accuracy, building relationships with experts in the field, maintaining a strong presence on social media platforms, creating high quality backlinks from reputable websites, providing a user friendly design and navigation experience, ensuring all information is up to date, and responding quickly to customer inquiries. By following these steps, you can optimize your SEO campaigns for E-A-T success!

What is E-A-T in SEO?

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) is an important component of SEO that measures the quality and relevance of a website’s content. It is a factor used by Google when determining a website’s ranking in search engine results. Expertise refers to having knowledge on the topic covered; authoritativeness is determined by how authoritative or credible the source of information is; and trustworthiness relates to how reliable the content is, as well as whether it meets user expectations. By optimizing content for readability and accuracy, building relationships with experts in the field, maintaining a strong presence on social media platforms, creating high quality backlinks from reputable websites, providing a user friendly design and navigation experience, ensuring all information is up to date and responding quickly to customer inquiries, you can increase your website’s E-A-T rating and improve its rankings.

By following these tips and ensuring that your website is of the highest quality, you can make sure that your E-A-T rating is always up to par. Now, let’s dive into the importance of Expertise for SEO…


Expertise is an essential factor in SEO, as Google looks for expertise when determining the quality and relevance of a website’s content. The more knowledgeable and experienced you are on the subject matter being covered, the better your E-A-T rating will be. Additionally, it is important to ensure that any external sources used are from credible and authoritative websites that have been reviewed for accuracy. Working with experts who have experience in their respective fields can help to ensure that readers receive accurate information from a reliable source. Expertise can also be demonstrated through well-written author bios, which provide readers with an insight into the knowledge and experience of the person writing the content. By demonstrating expertise through both internal and external sources, you can ensure that your website has a high quality score and is ranked highly by Google.


Authoritativeness is an important factor in SEO, as Google looks for it when determining the quality and relevance of content. It is essential to demonstrate your authority on a given subject matter by providing sources from reputable websites and industry experts. This will help to build trust among readers and show that you are knowledgeable about the topic you are covering. Additionally, author bios should be included on all content, which provides readers with an understanding of the expertise behind the words. Creating backlinks to other authoritative sites can also help to boost your E-A-T rating, as this demonstrates to search engines that other sites have found your content useful. By being an authoritative source of information on your chosen topic, you can ensure that your website is ranked highly on Google’s search engine results pages.


Trustworthiness is a major factor in SEO and Google looks for signs that the content on your website can be trusted. To ensure your website is considered trustworthy, you should always clearly state who wrote the content and provide information on their qualifications or expertise. You should also include links to credible sources that back up the claims made within articles, as this helps readers verify the accuracy of what you are writing about. Additionally, including contact details for customer service will show potential customers that you are approachable and willing to answer any questions they may have. Finally, providing an SSL certificate will demonstrate to users that your website is secure and their data is protected from being stolen. By following these steps, your website can become a trusted source of information which will lead to higher rankings on Google’s search engine results pages.

Why is E-A-T Important for SEO?

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness and is an important factor in SEO. Google looks at these three qualities to determine how valuable a website is and how likely it is to provide accurate information. Websites that demonstrate expertise in their field are more likely to be seen as trustworthy sources of information. This means that providing content written by experts with verifiable credentials and links to reliable sources can help your website rank higher on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, having contact details for customer service gives potential customers a sense of trustworthiness and security, which will also help boost your rankings. Finally, ensuring your website has an SSL certificate will give users the assurance that their data is secure when visiting your site. By focusing on E-A-T, you can create a website that Google trusts and rewards with higher rankings.

By focusing on E-A-T, you can create a website that is seen as trustworthy, authoritative and reliable. This will help your website rank higher and ultimately bring in more customers. But don’t forget – it’s not just about creating new content – repurposing outdated content can also be an effective SEO strategy. Find out how to do this next!

1) Repurpose outdated content

When it comes to SEO, it’s important to keep your content up-to-date and relevant. However, creating new content in a timely manner can be a challenge. One way to maximize the effectiveness of your website is to repurpose outdated content. This involves taking existing articles or blog posts and updating them with new information. For example, if you have an article on trends in digital marketing from two years ago, you can update it with more recent data and insights into the industry. By repurposing old content, you can ensure that your website has fresh content without having to write something completely from scratch. Additionally, by keeping tabs on what content used to generate high traffic and ranked well for certain keywords, you can optimize this content for current search engine algorithms and make sure your website is always up-to-date.

4) Create strong author bios

Writing strong author bios is an essential part of creating a successful SEO strategy. An effective author bio should provide searchers with clear, descriptive information about the writer’s qualifications and expertise. It should be detailed enough that any potential reader can easily understand how knowledgeable the author is on the topic, as well as what their background is in the industry. Additionally, an author bio can help to bolster the credibility of your website by providing evidence that it was written by someone who knows what they are talking about. By providing this level of detail in your author bios, you can increase your website’s trustworthiness with both readers and search engine algorithms.

5) Assign qualified authors to content

Assigning qualified authors to content is key for creating a successful SEO strategy. It is essential that the author assigned to a given topic has expertise in the field, and can demonstrate this through their author bio. Additionally, the author should be familiar enough with the subject matter that they are able to accurately and thoroughly cover it within the scope of their content. This ensures that readers receive accurate and trustworthy information from reliable sources, which will in turn increase your website’s trustworthiness with both readers and search engine algorithms. Furthermore, having an expert write on a subject can help draw attention to your website as it will appear more authoritative than if written by someone who lacks expertise in the field.

8) Generate authentic and positive reviews

Generating authentic and positive reviews is another essential component of an effective SEO strategy. Reviews are an important factor in determining a website’s trustworthiness, as potential customers are more likely to purchase from or work with businesses that have good ratings. Additionally, positive reviews can help strengthen a company’s reputation and increase their visibility online. In order to ensure that the reviews you generate are seen as genuine, it is important to only use reputable review sites such as Google My Business or Yelp. Additionally, it is important to be transparent about your process for generating reviews – customers should never feel pressured or incentivized to leave a review, as this will ultimately hurt your credibility.

Here’s Your E-A-T Checklist with 7 Ways to Improve Your Website’s E-A-T

Having an effective E-A-T checklist can be the difference between your website ranking highly on Google or not. Here are seven strategies to help you improve your website’s E-A-T and get ahead of the competition:

1. Publish content from experts in the field: Content should always be created and vetted by knowledgeable, authoritative figures in the industry. This helps build trust with readers and search engines alike.

2. Use credible sources when citing information: Properly citing all data, facts, and statistics is key to showing that your content is accurate and trustworthy. Make sure to provide links to any external sources used so readers can verify this information for themselves.

3. Write compelling, comprehensive articles: Content should be well-researched, comprehensive, and easy to read in order to engage readers and signal authority to search engine algorithms.

4. Design a secure website: Websites should have an SSL certificate installed as this ensures that any visitor data is encrypted for security purposes; it also improves rankings on SERPs (search engine result pages).

5. Optimize for mobile devices: Mobile optimization is essential for providing users with a good experience regardless of device type; this will also help boost rankings since most searches now occur on mobile devices.

6. Monitor user behavior: Analyzing user behavior on your site can help you determine what content resonates best with visitors and make adjustments accordingly; this signals to search engines that you’re providing quality content people actually want to consume.

7. Respond quickly to customer inquiries: Quickly responding to customer inquiries shows them that you value their business and care about their satisfaction; it

Overall, having a strong E-A-T is essential to ranking highly on search engines and ensuring that users have a positive experience when visiting your website. By following these strategies, you can get ahead of the competition and start building trust with both readers and search engines alike. Now, let’s look into how you can tell visitors who you are so they know they’re in the right place!

1. Tell Visitors Who You Are

In order to build trust with your website’s visitors and ensure they know they’re in the right place, it’s important to let them know who you are. An About Us page is a great way to do this and should include information about your team, services, and goals. Additionally, a Team page can be used to provide further detail on each member of your team and their qualifications. Finally, author pages can be created for each content creator so that readers can learn more about the person behind the content they’re consuming. By taking these steps, you will not only show visitors that you are knowledgeable and trustworthy but also signal to search engines that you are providing quality content from credible sources.

2. Work With Experts to Create Content

When it comes to creating content for your website, it’s important to ensure it is of the highest quality. One way to do this is by working with experts in the field who can provide valuable insight and knowledge. This could mean interviewing a scientist or hiring an expert to guest post on your blog. It could also include partnering with another company to publish original research or create content that is highly specific and informative. By collaborating with experts, you can produce content that provides readers with accurate information and demonstrates E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) to Google. This will help you stand out from competitors and ultimately improve your SEO ranking.

3. Make the Purpose of Your Content Clear

When creating content for your website, it’s important to make the purpose of your content extremely clear. This can be done by using titles and headings that are concise and straightforward, as well as using language that is easy to understand. Additionally, don’t produce content that is too long or meandering; get straight to the point and cover the topic thoroughly without wasting time on unnecessary information. Furthermore, provide supporting evidence for any claims you make in the form of facts and figures, quotes from experts, and references to reputable sources. By making the purpose of your content explicit and providing supporting evidence, you can demonstrate E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) to Google and boost your SEO ranking.

4. Update Content Regularly

It’s essential for your content to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and information. This is where a regular content review process comes in handy. Make sure to review your content at least once every three months, or even more often if needed. Look out for any outdated information, incorrect facts, broken links, or errors that require correcting. Additionally, don’t forget to check if any new industry developments have taken place that would warrant updating your content with the latest information. By keeping your content fresh and relevant, you are demonstrating E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) to Google and improving your SEO ranking.

5. Link to High-Quality Sources

In addition to keeping your content up-to-date, it’s also important to link to high-quality sources throughout your writing. This can be done by linking to authoritative websites, such as government sites or research papers. You should also link to well-known industry professionals, such as those from Google or other search engines. Doing this will demonstrate your expertise and trustworthiness on the topic, which is essential for boosting your SEO ranking. By taking the time to research and find quality sources for each of your articles, you can ensure that your content is seen as an expert resource and is rewarded accordingly by search engines.

6. Consider Multiple Viewpoints

When creating content, it’s important to consider multiple viewpoints in order to create an informative and trustworthy piece. This means taking the time to research various opinions on the topic and including them in your work. For example, if you’re writing about the best types of ice cream to eat, it’s important that you don’t just focus on one type or flavor. It’s essential to consider different flavors such as those made with locally farmed eggs, boozy capsules from OddFellows Ice Cream, or even BBQ-flavored ice cream. By doing this, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and provide a reliable source for readers looking for more information. Additionally, this will help boost your SEO rankings by showing search engines that your content is both well-informed and reputable.

7. Pay Attention to Your Online Reputation

Having a positive online reputation can be the difference between success and failure for any business. In today’s world, it is easier than ever to find information on brands, businesses, and services – both good and bad. An online search of your company name will reveal a wealth of information that potential customers may use to determine whether or not they want to do business with you. This makes it essential for companies to pay attention to their online reputation. Reviews, ratings, and customer feedback should be monitored regularly as well as any other mentions of the brand across social media or other websites. Negative reviews should be responded to promptly in order to show potential customers that their concerns are being addressed. Additionally, businesses should make sure that all relevant social profiles have been claimed in order to protect their brand from hijacking attempts by others. All of these steps can help build trustworthiness and credibility with customers which can lead to increased sales and better SEO rankings over time.

Doughnut Take E-A-T Lightly

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness – three key attributes that help Google determine the quality of a webpage. While E-A-T may not be a ranking factor in the traditional sense, it can impact your SEO strategy in a big way. Websites with high levels of E-A-T will appear higher up in search results than those without it. Therefore, businesses should not take E-A-T lightly when it comes to their SEO strategy.

To have high levels of E-A-T, websites must demonstrate expertise and authority in their field as well as build trustworthiness with users. This can be done through providing comprehensive and accurate content, having an active presence on social media platforms, making use of influencer marketing campaigns, and responding promptly to customer inquiries or complaints. All of these practices will help boost the website’s reputation and improve its ranking over time.

By investing in content that is expertly written, engaging with customers on social media, and utilizing influencer marketing campaigns, businesses can leverage the power of E-A-T to increase their search engine rankings and achieve SEO success. But it doesn’t stop there – find out how you can start prioritizing E-A-T for SEO success next!

Start Prioritizing E-A-T for SEO Success

By prioritizing E-A-T, businesses can become more successful in their SEO strategy. It starts with creating content that is comprehensive and expertly written. This helps demonstrate expertise and authority in the field. Additionally, companies should be active on social media platforms to build a presence and engage with customers. Finally, influencer marketing campaigns can be used to further increase trustworthiness among users.

These practices will help the website’s reputation overtime, leading to higher search engine rankings as a result of its improved E-A-T profile. Furthermore, businesses must ensure they are responsive to customer inquiries or complaints in order to maintain their good standing with Google and continue rising up the SERPs. Ultimately, prioritizing E-A-T is key for SEO success and should not be taken lightly by any business looking to improve their online visibility.

Final Thoughts

E-A-T is an important element of any SEO strategy, and businesses should not take it lightly. By creating content that is comprehensive and accurate, engaging with customers on social media platforms, and leveraging influencer marketing campaigns, companies can increase their website’s E-A-T rating and achieve higher search engine rankings as a result.

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