Contently Article Writing

Writing for Contently – Contently is a content marketing platform that connects businesses and individuals with a network of professional writers who can create high-quality content for a variety of purposes. Writing for Contently requires a specific skill set and approach to ensure your content meets the platform’s standards. In this article, we’ll explore the key elements of writing for Contently, including understanding the platform’s guidelines, researching your topics, and creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

How to Create a Writer Portfolio Using Contently

Creating a writer portfolio is an essential step for any aspiring freelance writer looking to showcase their skills and attract potential clients. With the rise of the gig economy and the increasing demand for high-quality content, having a strong portfolio is more important than ever.

One popular platform that writers can use to create their portfolios is Contently. Contently is a comprehensive content marketing platform that allows writers to showcase their work, connect with potential clients, and access various content marketing tools.

To create a writer portfolio using Contently, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Sign up and create a profile

Start by signing up for a Contently account and completing your profile. Include a professional profile picture, a brief bio, and your areas of expertise. This will help potential clients get a sense of who you are as a writer and what you can bring to the table.

Step 2: Add your work samples

Next, it’s time to showcase your writing skills. Upload your best work samples to your Contently portfolio. Be sure to include a variety of writing styles and topics to demonstrate your versatility and range as a writer. Whether it’s blog articles, white papers, or marketing copy, make sure your samples represent the kind of content you want to create for your clients.

Step 3: Optimize your portfolio

Make your portfolio easy to find by optimizing it for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your portfolio description and include tags for different topics and industries you specialize in. This will help potential clients find your portfolio when searching for writers in specific niches.

Step 4: Connect with potential clients

Contently provides a talent network feature that allows writers to connect with potential clients directly. Take advantage of this feature by browsing the marketplace for writing opportunities and submitting proposals to clients who are looking for your specific skills.

Step 5: Network with other writers

Building relationships with other writers can be a valuable asset in your freelance career. Contently provides a community of real people who are passionate about writing and content marketing. Engage with other writers, share insights, and collaborate on projects. Networking with fellow writers can lead to valuable referrals and collaborations in the future.

Step 6: Show your expertise

Position yourself as an expert in your niche by creating and sharing content on Contently’s platform. Write thoughtful articles and share your insights on industry trends, writing tips, and content marketing strategies. This demonstrates your knowledge and helps prospective clients see that you are not only a talented writer but also a trusted authority in your field.

By following these steps and using Contently as your content marketing platform, you can create a comprehensive writer portfolio that will grab the attention of potential clients and help you build a successful career in freelance writing. So, take the leap, showcase your skills, and open doors to exciting writing opportunities.

What Is Contently?

Contently is a popular content marketing platform that has revolutionized the way writers showcase their work and connect with potential clients. It serves as a central location for freelance writers to create their portfolios, network with other professionals, and access a range of tools to enhance their writing careers.

At its core, Contently provides a comprehensive content marketing platform that allows writers to build a strong portfolio that highlights their expertise and showcases their writing skills. By creating an online portfolio on Contently, writers can easily showcase their best work samples, whether it’s blog articles, white papers, or marketing copy.

One of the key advantages of Contently is its talent network feature. This feature enables writers to connect directly with potential clients, creating opportunities for freelance writing projects and collaborations. The marketplace within Contently allows writers to browse through various writing opportunities and submit proposals to clients who are seeking their specific skills and expertise.

Beyond the networking and portfolio-building aspects, Contently also offers valuable resources and tools for writers. It provides a platform where writers can produce and share content, positioning themselves as experts in their respective niches. This not only establishes their credibility but also helps gain the attention of prospective clients who are in search of high-quality content. Moreover, Contently offers content creation services, content ideation tools, and even AI-generated content options for writers to expand their skills and offerings.

With its wide range of features and resources, Contently has become a go-to platform for freelance writers looking to establish a successful career in writing. Its popularity lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive solution for writers to not only showcase their talent but also connect with potential clients, collaborate with peers, and access valuable tools and resources to enhance their craft. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the world of freelance writing, Contently offers the necessary tools and support to thrive in the competitive content marketing space.

How to Create a Writer Portfolio Using Contently

Creating a writer portfolio is essential for freelancers looking to showcase their skills and attract potential clients. With the help of Contently, building a professional and impressive portfolio is easier than ever. Here are a few steps to guide you through the process:

1. Sign up and create your profile: Begin by signing up on Contently’s platform and setting up your account. Fill in all the necessary details, including your name, contact information, and a professional bio that highlights your experience, expertise, and writing style. Be sure to include your email address and a profile picture to establish a personal touch.

2. Gather your best work samples: Take the time to gather your best work samples that represent your diverse range of writing abilities. Whether it’s blog articles, white papers, or marketing copy, choose pieces that highlight your unique voice and demonstrate your proficiency in your chosen niche. Aim for a variety of content types to showcase your versatility.

3. Organize your portfolio: Contently provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily organize and present your portfolio. Upload your work samples and categorize them according to their respective topics, industries, or formats. This will make it easier for potential clients to navigate through your portfolio and find the content that resonates with their needs.

4. Customize your portfolio: Contently allows you to customize the look and feel of your portfolio to align with your personal brand. Add a professional banner image, choose a color scheme that matches your style, and select fonts that enhance readability. These small design elements can make a big difference and create a memorable impression on visitors.

5. Optimize your portfolio for search: Contently provides search engine optimization (SEO) features that can help your portfolio rank higher in search engine results. Add relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags to your portfolio pages to increase its visibility and attract more organic traffic. This will ensure that your portfolio is easily discoverable by potential clients and can lead to more opportunities.

6. Update your portfolio regularly: It’s important to regularly update your portfolio with new and fresh content to reflect your latest work and growth as a writer. Remove outdated or less relevant samples and replace them with your recent accomplishments. This shows potential clients that you are actively engaged in your craft and constantly evolving as a writer.

By following these steps and utilizing the features provided by Contently’s content marketing platform, you can create a captivating writer portfolio that effectively showcases your skills and attracts lucrative writing opportunities. Remember to regularly promote your portfolio and share it with your network to maximize its reach and exposure in the industry. Happy writing!

1. Create an Account

Creating an account on Contently is the first step towards establishing a strong online presence as a freelance writer. It’s a simple and straightforward process that allows you to showcase your skills and attract potential clients.

To get started, visit Contently’s website and click on the “Sign Up” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your basic information, including your name and email address. Be sure to use a professional email address that reflects your identity as a writer.

Next, you’ll need to create a password for your account. Choose a strong password that combines letters, numbers, and symbols to ensure the security of your account.

Once you’ve created your account, it’s time to fill in your profile details. This is where you can provide a brief bio that highlights your experience, expertise, and writing style. Use this opportunity to showcase your unique voice and showcase what sets you apart from other writers.

In addition to your bio, Contently allows you to upload a profile picture. Choose a high-quality image that presents you in a professional light. A picture helps to humanize your profile and adds a personal touch that can make potential clients feel more connected to you.

Finally, it’s important to include your contact information on your profile. This will allow potential clients to easily reach out to you with job opportunities or inquiries. Providing a professional email address is essential, as it demonstrates your professionalism and accessibility.

Creating an account on Contently is the first step in building your online presence as a freelance writer. Take the time to carefully fill out your profile, showcasing your skills and experience, and upload a professional profile picture. By doing so, you’ll be positioning yourself as a reliable and talented writer, ready to take on new writing opportunities.

2. Add Your Basic Information

After creating an account on Contently, the next step is to add your basic information. This information includes your name, email address, and any other details that will help prospective clients get to know you better.

When adding your basic information, it’s important to use a professional email address that reflects your identity as a writer. Avoid using personal or unprofessional email addresses as they can give a negative impression to potential clients. Instead, opt for an email address that includes your name or some variation of it. This will show that you take your profession seriously and that you’re dedicated to providing excellent writing services.

In addition to your email address, make sure to provide your full name. This will help clients address you properly and adds a sense of professionalism to your profile. It’s also a good idea to include your location, as some clients may prefer working with writers from specific regions.

Adding your basic information is a crucial step in creating an effective profile on Contently. It sets the foundation for potential clients to learn more about you and consider you for writing opportunities. Remember, the more detailed and professional your basic information is, the higher the chances of attracting the right clients for your writing career.

In the next step, we’ll discuss how to create a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and expertise. Stay tuned!

3. Upload Your Works and Projects

Once you’ve set up your professional email address and added your basic information, it’s time to showcase your talent and skills by uploading your works and projects. This step is essential in building a strong portfolio and demonstrating your capabilities to potential clients.

Contently provides a user-friendly platform where you can easily upload and organize your various writing samples. Take the time to carefully select the pieces that best represent your writing style and expertise. Whether it’s blog posts, articles, case studies, or white papers, choose a variety of works that highlight the range of your abilities.

When uploading your works, be sure to provide a clear title and concise description for each piece. This will give clients a better understanding of the content and context of your work. Don’t forget to include any relevant details, such as the industry or niche it pertains to, to help clients find the specific type of content they are looking for.

In addition to uploading your written works, consider including other forms of media to enhance your portfolio. If you’ve created infographics, videos, or interactive content, these can be valuable additions that showcase your versatility as a writer. Visual elements can often make a strong impact and help clients envision how your content can be successfully incorporated into their marketing strategies.

Remember, quality is key. Make sure your uploaded works are error-free, well-researched, and showcase your ability to create compelling and engaging content. Hiring managers and potential clients are always on the lookout for high-quality content, so prioritize showcasing your best work.

By investing time in curating and organizing your portfolio on Contently, you not only increase your chances of attracting prospective clients but also position yourself as a professional and experienced writer. Take advantage of this platform to build a comprehensive and impressive collection of your writing achievements.

Uploading your works and projects on Contently is an opportunity to highlight your expertise, capture the attention of potential clients, and kickstart a successful career as a freelance writer. Make the most of this feature and let your talent shine through your portfolio.

4. Customize Your Portfolio

Customizing your portfolio on Contently is a crucial step in showcasing your unique writing style and expertise to potential clients. By personalizing your portfolio, you can make a lasting impression and stand out in a competitive writing marketplace.

One way to customize your portfolio is by organizing your works in a strategic manner. Consider grouping your samples by industry or niche to make it easier for clients to find the specific type of content they are looking for. This allows you to demonstrate your expertise in a particular field and increases the chances of attracting clients seeking specialized content.

Another way to customize your portfolio is by creating a visually appealing profile. While the content of your samples is essential, a professional and eye-catching design can leave a lasting impression on potential clients. Consider adding a profile picture that reflects your personality or using customized branding elements to make your portfolio visually cohesive.

Furthermore, consider adding a personal touch to your portfolio by including a brief bio or introduction. This allows you to share your unique story and provide potential clients with insights into your background and writing journey. Sharing a bit about your passions, interests, and writing goals can help clients connect with you on a more personal level and potentially lead to more successful collaborations.

Finally, don’t forget to regularly update your portfolio with new and relevant content. This shows potential clients that you are actively honing your skills and staying up-to-date with industry trends. By regularly refreshing your portfolio, you can demonstrate your commitment to delivering high-quality and current content, increasing your credibility as a professional writer.

Customizing your portfolio on Contently not only allows you to showcase your writing skills but also helps you establish a unique brand and identity as a writer. By organizing your works strategically, crafting visually appealing profiles, adding personal touches, and regularly updating your content, you can create a portfolio that captivates potential clients and sets you apart from the competition. So take the time to customize your portfolio and let your writing shine!

5. Upload Your Profile Picture and Share Your Portfolio

One crucial aspect of creating a compelling portfolio is uploading a professional profile picture. Your profile picture is often the first impression potential clients will have of you, so it’s essential to choose a photo that showcases your professionalism and personality. It’s important to remember that while it’s great to let your personality shine through, it’s also crucial to maintain a level of professionalism in your photo.

When selecting a profile picture, opt for a high-quality image that clearly shows your face. Avoid using selfies or heavily filtered images, as these may detract from your professionalism. Instead, consider investing in a professional headshot or have a friend or colleague take a well-lit and well-composed photo of you.

By uploading a profile picture, you are humanizing your portfolio and establishing a personal connection with potential clients. Sharing a glimpse of yourself allows them to put a face to the name and makes it easier for them to trust you as a professional writer.

In addition to your profile picture, make sure to share your portfolio with potential clients. This can be done by including a link to your portfolio website in your bio or by attaching a PDF or digital portfolio file to your email. Your portfolio is a collection of your best work and should showcase your writing skills across different industries and formats.

When sharing your portfolio, be selective and choose pieces that highlight your strengths and demonstrate your versatility. It’s essential to include a variety of writing samples, such as blog posts, articles, white papers, or case studies, to give potential clients a well-rounded understanding of your capabilities.

Moreover, consider organizing your portfolio in a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate manner. Create sections or categories for different types of content or industries you have experience in. This allows potential clients to quickly find the type of content they are looking for, increasing the chances of landing new projects.

Regularly update and refresh your portfolio to showcase your latest and most relevant work. Replace older pieces with newer ones that best represent your current skills and writing style. Keeping your portfolio up-to-date demonstrates your commitment to delivering high-quality content and staying relevant in the industry.

In conclusion, uploading a professional profile picture and sharing your portfolio are two essential steps to building a successful freelance writing career. Remember to choose a profile picture that portrays professionalism while still allowing your personality to shine through. Additionally, ensure your portfolio is visually appealing, well-organized, and regularly updated with your best and most current work. By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to attracting potential clients and establishing yourself as a talented and reliable freelance writer.

The process of receiving work through Contently is quite simple:

The process of receiving work through Contently is quite simple and streamlined. As a content marketing platform, Contently acts as a central location where freelance writers and potential clients can connect and collaborate.

To get started, freelance writers create a profile on the platform, which includes their bio, writing portfolio, and contact information. This profile serves as a comprehensive representation of their skills and experience, allowing potential clients to easily assess their suitability for specific projects.

Once the profile is set up, freelance writers can browse through the various writing jobs available on the platform. Contently offers a content marketplace where brands and businesses post their content needs, ranging from blog posts and articles to white papers and marketing materials. Freelancers can search for projects that align with their expertise and interests.

When a writer finds a project they are interested in, they can submit a proposal to the client, outlining their qualifications and ideas for the content. This step allows the writer to showcase their creativity and understanding of the client’s goals. It also presents an opportunity for the writer to demonstrate how they can add value to the project.

If the client is interested in working with a particular writer, they can reach out to them directly through the platform. The platform provides a secure messaging system where writers and clients can communicate and discuss project details, deadlines, and payment terms.

Once the project details are finalized, the writer can begin creating the content. Contently provides a range of tools and resources to support the content creation process. From content ideation to AI-generated content, the platform offers features that help writers enhance their work and deliver high-quality content that meets the client’s requirements.

Throughout the content creation process, Contently also offers content analysis and approval tools. These tools ensure that the content meets quality standards and aligns with the client’s brand voice and objectives. This helps to streamline the review and revision process, ensuring a smooth workflow for both the writer and the client.

Once the content is approved, the writer can submit it through the platform, making it easy for the client to access and review. Contently also handles the payment process, providing a secure and reliable system for freelancers to receive their earnings.

Overall, the process of receiving work through Contently is designed to simplify and enhance the freelance writing experience. By offering a comprehensive content marketing strategy, a talent network, and a range of tools and resources, Contently provides freelancers with the opportunity to showcase their skills, connect with prospective clients, and build a successful career in writing.


In the world of content writing, reputation is everything. Building a strong reputation as a freelance writer can open up countless opportunities and attract potential clients. It’s not just about delivering high-quality content, but also about establishing yourself as a reliable and trustworthy professional.

One way to build a solid reputation is by creating a strong portfolio. A portfolio is a collection of your best work that showcases your writing skills and expertise. By carefully curating your portfolio to highlight your strengths and the type of content you excel at, you can position yourself as a go-to writer in your niche.

Another important aspect of reputation building is delivering exceptional customer service. Responding to client inquiries promptly, meeting deadlines, and being open to feedback are key factors in establishing a positive reputation. Clients appreciate working with writers who are easy to communicate with and who go the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction.

Word of mouth plays a significant role in reputation building as well. When you consistently produce quality work and exceed client expectations, satisfied clients are likely to recommend you to others. This not only helps you attract new clients but also boosts your credibility in the industry.

Building a strong reputation also involves actively seeking out feedback and continuously improving your skills. Actively seeking feedback from clients or editors can provide valuable insights into areas for growth and improvement. Taking the time to refine your writing skills and staying informed about industry trends and best practices will demonstrate your commitment to delivering the best possible content.

In addition to client testimonials, online reviews and ratings on platforms like Contently can contribute to your reputation. Positive reviews from satisfied clients can inspire confidence in prospective clients and help establish you as a reliable and skilled writer.

Finally, maintaining professionalism and integrity in all your dealings is crucial for building a reputable brand. This includes delivering content that is free from plagiarism, being transparent about your rates and terms, and honoring agreements with clients. By consistently demonstrating professionalism, you not only protect your reputation but also lay the foundation for long-term success as a freelance writer.

In the competitive world of content writing, reputation is the currency that opens doors and attracts clients. By focusing on delivering exceptional work, providing excellent customer service, seeking feedback, and maintaining professionalism, you can build a strong reputation that sets you apart from the competition and positions you for a successful career in the industry.

Personal Experience

Personal Experience: A Powerful Tool for Content Creation

One of the most valuable assets a writer can bring to the table is their personal experience. It adds an authentic touch to their content, making it relatable and engaging for readers. Whether it’s a personal anecdote, a unique perspective on a topic, or insights gained from personal trials and triumphs, personal experience can greatly enhance the quality and impact of your writing.

When you infuse your content with personal experience, it creates a connection with your audience. It humanizes your writing, allowing readers to see the world through your eyes and experience it alongside you. Your personal experiences can serve as powerful examples or illustrations, providing real-life context to the ideas and concepts you explore in your writing.

Moreover, personal experience can inject a sense of credibility into your work. By writing from a place of firsthand knowledge and experience, you establish yourself as an authority on the subject matter. This can be particularly beneficial when writing in niche or specialized areas, as your expertise and unique perspective set you apart from other writers.

In addition, personal experiences can add depth and emotion to your content. Sharing your own struggles, challenges, and triumphs creates a sense of authenticity and vulnerability that resonates with readers. It allows them to connect with your writing on a deeper level, fostering empathy and understanding.

When incorporating personal experience into your content, it’s important to strike a balance. While sharing personal stories and insights can be impactful, it’s crucial to consider your target audience and the purpose of your writing. Ensure that your personal experiences align with the message you want to convey and that they enhance the overall content rather than overshadowing it.

Furthermore, personal experience doesn’t have to be limited to just storytelling or personal narratives. It can also be applied to various types of content, such as informative articles, persuasive essays, or even technical writing. By drawing on your own experiences and expertise, you can provide unique perspectives, valuable insights, and practical advice to your readers.

In conclusion, personal experience is a powerful tool for content creation. It adds authenticity, credibility, depth, and relatability to your writing, making it more impactful and memorable for your audience. So, don’t hesitate to incorporate your personal experiences into your content; embrace them and let them shape and enrich your writing.

Overview / Conclusion

Overview / Conclusion:

When it comes to writing content, incorporating personal experience can have a profound impact on the quality and effectiveness of your work. By infusing your writing with personal anecdotes, unique perspectives, and insights gained from real-life trials and triumphs, you can create a connection with your audience and make your content more relatable and engaging.

Personal experience adds authenticity to your writing, allowing readers to see the world through your eyes and experience it alongside you. It humanizes your content, making it more relatable and resonant. Your personal experiences can serve as powerful examples, providing real-life context to the ideas and concepts you explore in your writing.

Moreover, writing from a place of firsthand knowledge and experience establishes you as an authority on the subject matter. This credibility is especially valuable in niche or specialized areas, where your expertise and unique perspective set you apart from other writers.

Incorporating personal experiences also adds depth and emotion to your content. Sharing your own struggles, challenges, and triumphs creates a sense of authenticity and vulnerability that resonates with readers. It allows them to connect with your writing on a deeper level, fostering empathy and understanding.

However, it’s important to strike a balance when incorporating personal experiences into your content. While sharing personal stories and insights can be impactful, it’s crucial to consider your target audience and the purpose of your writing. Ensure that your personal experiences align with the message you want to convey and enhance the overall content rather than overshadowing it.

Personal experience can be applied to various types of content, including informative articles, persuasive essays, and technical writing. By drawing on your own experiences and expertise, you can provide unique perspectives, valuable insights, and practical advice to your readers.

In conclusion, personal experience is a valuable asset for writers. It adds authenticity, credibility, depth, and emotion to your content. By infusing your writing with personal anecdotes and insights, you can create a stronger connection with your audience and make your content more impactful and memorable. So, embrace your personal experiences and let them shine through your writing.

What’s It Like Writing for Contently? Writers Spill Their Secrets

Writing for Contently can be a rewarding and enriching experience for freelance writers. Not only does it provide a platform to showcase their skills and expertise, but it also offers various opportunities to collaborate with reputable brands and create high-quality content. To give you an inside look at what it’s really like writing for Contently, we reached out to some writers who spill their secrets and share their experiences.

One of the greatest advantages of writing for Contently is the access to a vast talent network of experienced writers. This enables writers to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals, fostering a supportive and inspiring community. The platform also ensures that all writers undergo a rigorous screening process, ensuring that only the best talent is available for assignments.

Many writers appreciate the central location that Contently provides for managing their projects and communications with clients. It streamlines the workflow and saves valuable time and effort. The intuitive interface allows writers to easily track their assignments, deadlines, and payments, making it a convenient and efficient platform to work on.

Furthermore, Contently offers a diverse range of writing opportunities. From creating white papers for corporate clients to writing compelling body content for marketing purposes, writers have the flexibility to work on a variety of projects that align with their areas of interest and expertise. This allows for a successful career path, as writers can hone their craft while delving into different industries and gaining new insights.

In addition, the content creation process on Contently is streamlined and professional. Writers are provided with detailed briefs, guidelines, and access to content creation tools that facilitate the ideation and creation processes. The platform also offers valuable resources and support, such as style guides and editorial assistance, ensuring that writers can deliver high-quality and polished content that meets the clients’ expectations.

The payment system on Contently is transparent and reliable. Writers receive fair compensation for their work, and the platform handles all the financial aspects, including invoicing and payment processing. This allows writers to focus on their craft without having to worry about administrative tasks.

Lastly, writers appreciate the feedback and recognition they receive on Contently. Clients have the option to leave reviews and rate the writers’ work, providing valuable feedback and building a positive reputation. This recognition not only boosts writers’ confidence but also leads to more opportunities for future projects.

Overall, writing for Contently provides freelance writers with a comprehensive content creation service that ensures a seamless and rewarding experience. With its talent network, diverse opportunities, professional processes, and supportive community, Contently is a platform that empowers writers to excel in their craft and build a successful career in the content marketing space.

The pros

and cons of using a content marketing platform like Contently.

Using a content marketing platform like Contently can have numerous advantages for freelance writers and content creators. One of the main benefits is the access to a vast talent network of experienced writers. This not only allows writers to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals but also fosters a supportive and inspiring community. By being a part of this network, writers can gain exposure to potential clients and expand their professional connections.

Another advantage of using a platform like Contently is the convenience of having a central location for managing projects and communications. This streamlines the workflow and saves valuable time and effort. With an intuitive interface, writers can easily track their assignments, deadlines, and payments all in one place. This centralized approach offers a convenient and efficient platform to work on.

Furthermore, Contently offers a diverse range of writing opportunities. From creating white papers for corporate clients to writing compelling body content for marketing purposes, writers have the flexibility to work on a variety of projects that align with their areas of interest and expertise. This allows for a successful career path, as writers can hone their craft while delving into different industries and gaining new insights.

The content creation process on Contently is also streamlined and professional. Writers are provided with detailed briefs, guidelines, and access to content creation tools that facilitate ideation and creation processes. The platform’s resources and support, such as style guides and editorial assistance, ensure that writers can deliver high-quality and polished content that meets the clients’ expectations.

On the other hand, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when using a content marketing platform like Contently. One challenge can be the competition among freelance writers. With a large talent network, writers may face competition for assignments from other talented individuals. It is essential to showcase a strong portfolio and continually seek ways to improve and differentiate oneself to stand out in this competitive space.

Another consideration is the platform’s fees and payment structure. While Contently offers fair compensation for work, they do take a percentage as a service fee. Writers need to factor in these fees and determine if the benefits of the platform outweigh the costs.

Despite these potential drawbacks, using a content marketing platform like Contently can be a valuable tool for freelance writers and content creators. It provides access to a wide range of opportunities, facilitates collaboration and networking, and streamlines the content creation process. Ultimately, the decision to use a platform like Contently depends on individual goals and preferences, weighing the pros and cons to make an informed choice.

The cons

of using a content marketing platform like Contently.

While there are many benefits to using a content marketing platform like Contently, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. One of the main challenges freelance writers may face is the competition within the platform’s talent network. With a large pool of experienced writers, it can be difficult to stand out and secure assignments. Writers must continuously strive to improve and differentiate themselves to remain competitive in this saturated market.

Another consideration is the platform’s fees and payment structure. While Contently offers fair compensation for work, they do take a percentage as a service fee. This means that writers must factor in these fees when deciding whether the benefits of using the platform outweigh the costs. For some individuals, the fees may be prohibitive or may not align with their financial goals.

Additionally, relying solely on a content marketing platform like Contently may limit a writer’s access to other potential clients and writing opportunities outside of the platform. While Contently provides a centralized location for managing projects and communication, it’s important for freelance writers to diversify their client base to create a sustainable and successful career. This means actively seeking out other potential clients and developing relationships outside of the platform.

Lastly, while content marketing platforms like Contently provide resources and support to assist with the content creation process, some writers may find the platform’s guidelines and restrictions limiting to their creativity. The platform may have specific requirements or styles that writers must adhere to, which can restrict their creative freedom.

In conclusion, while using a content marketing platform like Contently can offer numerous benefits for freelance writers and content creators, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. Competition among writers, fees and payment structure, limited access to other clients, and creative restrictions are all factors to take into account when deciding whether or not to utilize a content marketing platform. Ultimately, it’s important for writers to weigh the pros and cons and determine if the platform aligns with their goals and career aspirations.

Should you work through Contently?

If you’re a freelance writer looking to establish a strong portfolio and connect with potential clients, working through a content marketing platform like Contently can be a beneficial option. Contently provides a centralized location for managing projects, communicating with clients, and showcasing your work. It offers a talent network that connects you with experienced writers and opens doors to various writing opportunities.

One of the key advantages of working through Contently is the access it provides to potential clients. With a large user base, the platform attracts a diverse range of brands and businesses in need of high-quality content. This means that as a writer, you have the opportunity to work with reputable brands and gain valuable experience working on different projects.

Another advantage of using Contently is the exposure it brings to your work. By showcasing your portfolio on the platform, you have the chance to catch the attention of prospective clients who may be browsing for talent. Having an online portfolio that highlights your skills and showcases your previous work can significantly increase your chances of securing writing gigs.

Contently also offers a content finder tool that can aid in the content ideation process. This tool uses artificial intelligence to generate content ideas, helping writers overcome creative blocks and find inspiration. This feature can be particularly valuable for writers who are looking to expand their scope and explore new topics.

Additionally, working through Contently provides a level of credibility and professionalism to your freelance writing career. The platform has a reputation for connecting businesses with reliable, professional writers. By association, being an active member of Contently can enhance your image as a freelance writer and attract potential clients who are looking for reliable and experienced professionals.

However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks when working through Contently. One challenge is the competition within the talent network. With many experienced writers vying for assignments, it can be difficult to stand out and secure projects. To overcome this challenge, you need to continuously improve your skills, differentiate yourself, and consistently deliver high-quality content.

Another consideration is the platform’s fee structure. While Contently offers fair compensation for work, they do take a percentage as a service fee. Writers must factor in these fees when calculating their earnings and decide if the benefits of using the platform outweigh the costs. Some writers may find these fees prohibitive or may prefer to keep a larger portion of their earnings.

In conclusion, working through Contently can be a valuable choice for freelance writers. It offers access to potential clients, exposure for your work, and tools to enhance your creative process. However, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the competition, fees, and potential limitations to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and aspirations as a writer.

To sum up…

To sum up, working through Contently can be a valuable asset for freelance writers looking to establish a successful career in content writing. The platform offers access to a wide range of potential clients, allowing writers to work with reputable brands and gain valuable experience. By showcasing their portfolio on the platform, writers have the opportunity to catch the attention of prospective clients who are browsing for talent, increasing their chances of securing writing gigs. The content finder tool, powered by artificial intelligence, is another valuable resource that can help writers overcome creative blocks and find inspiration for their work.

Moreover, being a part of Contently enhances a writer’s credibility and professionalism in the freelance writing space. The platform’s reputation for connecting businesses with reliable, professional writers can boost a writer’s image and attract clients who are seeking experienced professionals. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind the competition within the talent network and the platform’s fee structure.

Despite these potential drawbacks, the benefits of working through Contently outweigh the challenges for many writers. The platform offers an avenue to showcase their skills, gain exposure, and access potential clients. With continuous improvement and the ability to deliver high-quality content, writers can differentiate themselves and thrive in the competitive world of freelance writing. In conclusion, Contently serves as a comprehensive content marketing platform that empowers writers to build a successful career by connecting them with clients, providing resources for ideation, and elevating their professional image.

What is Contently and how does it connect businesses and writers?

Contently is a content marketing platform that connects businesses and writers with the goal of producing high-quality content. Contently bridges the gap between businesses seeking content and professional writers looking for work. The platform allows businesses to define their needs and objectives, then connect with the right writers to get the job done. Businesses can customize their search by specifying topics, content types, style preferences, and more.

What are the guidelines for writing content for Contently?

Contently has established a set of guidelines that must be followed by all contributors. Writers must adhere to quality standards, avoid plagiarism, and ensure accuracy when creating content for the platform. In addition, posts should include strong headlines and engaging topics that will appeal to the target audience. Writing should also be concise and easy

What are the specific skills and approach required for writing for Contently?

What are the specific skills and approach required for writing for Contently?

Writing for Contently is not just about having a good command of the English language. It requires various other skills such as a deep understanding of the target audience, in-depth research, creativity, and strong organizational skills. Writers need to have an eye for detail and be able to craft engaging content that reson ates with the target audience. Additionally, writers should be able to curate content that is both timely and relevant to the topic at hand. Lastly, writers need to be able to stick to deadlines and commit to long-term projects.

What are the guidelines that writers need to understand when writing for Contently?

When writing for Contently, writers need to understand and adhere to certain guidelines in order to produce quality content that meets the platform’s standards. This includes avoiding plagiarism, ensuring accuracy of information, and creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience. Writers should also include strong headlines and topics that will appeal to the target audience. In addition, all content should be concise and easy-

When creating content for Contently, it is important to understand the target audience and conduct thorough research. Writers should look beyond the surface of the topic and dive deep into the subject matter in order to create a unique and informative piece of content. Additionally, writers should be aware of current trends and events that may be relevant to their topic in order to ensure their content is engaging and up-to -date. Finally, writers should be sure to proofread their work and make any necessary corrections before submitting it to the platform.

Understanding Contently Writing:

Contently has specific guidelines and requirements for their writers to ensure high-quality content is delivered to clients. Understanding these guidelines is crucial to succeeding on the platform. We’ll explore the key elements of Contently writing, including voice, style, tone, and formatting.

Researching Your Topic:

Researching your topic is an essential step in creating engaging content for Contently. We’ll discuss how to conduct thorough research, including using credible sources, identifying key points, and organizing your research for easy reference.

Creating a Detailed Outline:

Creating a detailed outline is essential to organizing your thoughts and ensuring your content flows smoothly. We’ll discuss the key elements of creating an effective outline, including identifying your main points, determining your structure, and breaking down your content into subheadings.

Formatting for Contently Writing:

Formatting is an important aspect of Contently writing that can impact how your content is received. We’ll explore the best practices for formatting your content, including using headings and subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up your text.

Writing Engaging Introductions:

Your introduction is the first impression you make on your reader, and it’s essential to grab their attention from the start. We’ll discuss how to write engaging introductions that hook your reader and set the stage for your content.

Crafting Compelling Body Content:

Your body content is where you deliver your message and provide value to your reader. We’ll explore how to craft compelling body content, including using strong transitions, including examples and evidence, and incorporating calls to action.

Writing Effective Calls-to-Action:

Calls-to-action are essential for encouraging your reader to take the desired action, whether it’s purchasing a product or service, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you for more information. We’ll discuss how to write effective calls-to-action that motivate your reader to take action.

Polishing Your Contently Writing:

Polishing your Contently writing is essential for ensuring your content is error-free, polished, and ready to deliver to your client. We’ll explore best practices for editing and proofreading your content, including using online tools, reading aloud, and enlisting the help of a colleague or editor.

Best Practices for Collaboration with Clients and Editors:

Collaboration with clients and editors is essential for success on Contently. We’ll discuss best practices for communicating with clients, responding to feedback, and delivering high-quality content that meets their needs.

Writing for Contently is a unique experience that requires a specific skill set and approach to succeed. By understanding the platform’s guidelines, researching your topics, and creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience, you can deliver exceptional content that exceeds your clients’ expectations. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this guide will help you succeed on Contently and build a successful career as a freelance writer.